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Thursday, May 04, 2006 at 3:13 PM
guess whose back with a brand new rap.. blahhz.
tdy. english paper2. SUCKS ! screwed mans. bloody hell. so difficult to understand the whole paper with all those fucking bloody hell profound english. goddamit. i dunno why i wanna scold lots of Fs tdy. so lets start FCUKIN'. ok, finish papers den went to the market with same usual gang. & what the hell, we went there for no fcuk reason. =.- den we went to 7-eleven. wahlaoz. song song. go STEAL things. 7-eleven is real real stupid. STUPID SIA. but cool to let ppl like us to steal. wowness. =X den xanne stole 3 hersheys and i stole 1 den xanne stole another packet of twisties. so big mans. =.- and the damn counter dint even noticed a shiat. STUPID. SELENGE. GOONDO ! den later went off to cia house. and we look like some maddists running after the bloody bus. =.=" den went up the bus. bloody hell. keep talking bout stealing in the bus and bout we stealing. & its so FREAKING LOUD. where everybody can here. and its like a JIAN BU DE REN DE SHI QING ! =.- den went to cia house and watched NANNY MCPHEE ~ so nice !! when you want me, and do not need me, i will stay. when u want me, and u need me, den i have to go. WOWNESS ~ lalalal. den ate PIZZA ! thks CIA ! so nice sia. eat pizza. her MAMA paid. den after finish, we went to meet kelly and all. played block catching agns. xanne, u seem so stressed up. dun get too stressed up ok. mummy is always here. take care my girl. den sihui&cheejie teamwork. song song sia. two of them. keep together. A LOVELY COUPLE ~ den later played 3 games of block catching. den we all sit ard and chit chat. cheejie and sihui's are noob for not catching shengda, ahsoon and me. which sihui cheated when i was talking she tapped me which wasnt FAIR !! :( den when playing the game, was like in my OWN WORLD. i dunno la. even before that. i was missing my darling like crazy ~ too many OF MY DARLINGS flying around my head again. really. too crammed with him. its a good thing aint it ?! lolz. den later had lots of jokes. den went back home. den chat chat with my darling.. den i its like, i wAANNNAA HUGGGG HIMMMMM !! ok, byebye. all the best to everybody, for yr exams coming up more soon. ADIOS ~ BYEBYE ~

darling ah, i miss you so much. MYMM. hee. LYMM. hahz.
now listening to westlife- i lay my love on you.
i sing to you. lolz. I LAY MY LOVE ON YOU ~ ITS ALL I HAVE TO ~
my love. my life. my hope. my wishes. my thinkings. my desire.
ITS ALL YOU !! :) YOU MAKE ME FEEL BRAND NEW ! love you sooooooooo much. BAIBAI ~

i dunno why im feeling lonely right now ~
the feeling is coming back again ~

heyhey. lets talk bout today and ytd.

tdy is so freaking cool. totally FREE of 5 PERIODS. the whole class when SIAOZ. HAHz. as usual. we banged tables again. den chit-chat ard. heex. today, darling and me close close. very happy. den he told me he happy also. so glad. (: wowness. den chat chat until we both slept. HAHZ. after school played catching agn. den i went mad. went to the field and run. wahz. so fun, so big big. den injured my hand. by the stupid wein yeong la. so PAIN ! now got problem with the whole freaking right hand. SOBS SOBS. :( den i injured my finger also. den bruise so so big. PAIN PAIN ! :( BOOOOOHOOOOS ! den its like a whole HAPPY DAY ! hope can liddat for long long. ^^ so love it today. heeeeeee. i miss my darling much much. MUACKS ! love ya sweetie pie. tmr is a so special day. its the day where i actually went steady with him for a month alrdy ! (: DARLING, WO AI NI ~

tdy, is a total screwed up day. :( wasnt really happy at all. first of all, school was again free of 3 periods. thks to the bloody lim BABOO SENG. nv come school. den no need get back our files to like go through. basket. den later i played with mp3. so fun. HAHZ. cos ah, i keep changing the tempo rate. den it goes fast and slow. the best song i played with was LIU XING ZHU JIAO. so cool. den slack in class. went out with sihui to the school canteen to buy snacks during lesson time. * EVIL GRINS * den went back. and play play play. listen to teck li's mp3. nice sia. mostly techno. HAHZ. den play play with darling. den later is CHEM. sian. he sit so far. :( soooo sooo far. wahlaoz. den my hand so freaking pain. when writing also pain. thks to the bloody wein yeong. SOBSSSSS * :'( den after that recess. makan makan with same ppl. xanne came so LATE ! lolz. BU TING HUA DE NU ER. * BEATS BUTT * lmao. den later came back class. SLACKING TIME AGN ~ woo, den slack lor. all the way. till left 2 period. ms fatonah class also slack lor. nth de. woohoos ~ WOOOLALA ~ den go assembly. den go listen mp3 agn. LOLZ. den went to canteen. makan again. den went to block 1 dere play catching. with kelly, ah soon, shengda, cheejie, one sec1 guy, my darling, marcus chua and sihui. so fun. HAHz. den when my darling wanna do sth, shengda appeared. =X HAHA. den basket, missed a chance.. lolz. den play 3 games. i went home. sent my darling to take cab. den i went back lo ~ den had tuition. den darling called. den he say he not happy. sighs. i dun wan him not happy. den i ask him why. he say dunno. WHY WHY WHY ?! i feel so bad. i cant even make him happy. i miss him soooooooooooooooooooooooo MUCH ! byebye ppl. ADIOS ~

haiz. darling ah darling.. i wanna know. why&what. why u sad sad. what u sad sad about. but u say u dunno. hiya, i dun force you lor.. den now u sleeping le.. some more i still on the line ! ... darling, i love you so much u know.. so much that no words can describe how i really love you. its TOO HARD TO DESCRIBE. becos its too deep. toooo toooo deep. HEN SHEN HEN SHEN. AI SI NI. jing tian ben lai shi wo men liang ge yi qi the di yi ge yue. mei xiang dao, hui shi zhe me yi tian. yi ge bu gao xing de yi tian. :( darling ah, wo zhen de hao xiang ni oh ! zhen de hao xiang hao xiang ni. bu zhu dao ni zhi bu zhi dao wo shi na me na me de xiang ni ! wo dui ni de ai shi bu neng yong ren he shi qing lai hen liang de. zhen de zhen de HAO AI NI ! ke shi ni jing tian bu gao xing. wo you bu zhi dao gai zen me bang zhu ni. xiang nong ni kai xing. ke shi, wo ye bu shi shuo hen gao xing. suo yi, wo men liang ge bu gao xing de ren, jiu bian cheng le hao xiang zai dian hua shang de shi hou, mei you shuo hen duo hua. ni shuo ni you hao duo hua xiang gen wo shuo. WO YE SHI!!! wo ye you hen duo shi qing xiang gen ni shuo. wo zhen xiang you yi tian, ru guo wo ke yi gen ni yi qi chu qu. WO HUI YI WU YI SHI DE GAO SU NI ! WO YE YAO NI GEN WO SHUO NA XIE HUA NI XIANG DUI WO SHUO. zhen de. hao qi dai na yi tian. zhe hao xiang shi yi ge wo dui ni shuo de hen chang de hua. ying wei, zuo tian ben lai shi hen gao xing de. dao jing tian, ni bu gao xing le. :( dui bu qi. wo bu hui an wei ni. ru guo ni zai wo shen bian, wo yi ding hui bao zhe ni, bu fang ni zou. qian zhu ni, ba ni jin jin de bao zhu. YONG YUAN BU FANG SHOU. hai you, wo hui ba ni suo bu gao xing de shi qing, bang ni tong tong de WANG DIAO ! WO YAO WO YAO WO YAO GEN NI SHUO, WO HAO AI HAO AI NI ! wo hen qi guai leh. yi zhi chong fu. lol. ni xian zai, zai shui jiao. wo qi shi bu gan chu sheng. ying wei wo ye bu zhi dao yao shuo shen me cai hao. hao le. zhe shi wo dui ni de hua. xi wang ni du le yi hou, hui zhi dao, wo shi na me de ai ni, wo shi na me de xiang, wo shi na me de xiang bang ni. WO AI NI BAOBEI ~ SMUCKS * BYEBYE.